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Define nakabi なかび Meaning ナカビ

Displaying results for nakabi (nakabi・なかび・ナカビ) – ryukyu

A dictionary of the Ryukyuan language

Results from the 沖縄語辞典 データ集 Okinawago jiten dēta-shū (Okinawan Language Dictionary Data Collection), published by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, © CC BY 4.0.

Search languages: Okinawan → Japanese

ナカビ nakabi (nakabi) ⓪ 名

  1. なかぞら。中空。中天。cataN mosizaniga ?utagwi ?ucizasiba,~tubu tuiN 'jududi cicusa.[北谷真牛ぎやねが歌声打出せばなかべ飛ぶ鳥もよどで聞きゆさ]北谷まうし(女歌手の名)が歌を歌い出せば,中空を飛ぶ鳥もとまって聞く。

A dictionary of the Ryukyuan language

Results from the 沖縄語辞典 データ集 Okinawago jiten dēta-shū (Okinawan Language Dictionary Data Collection), published by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, © CC BY 4.0.

Search languages: Japanese → Okinawan

ながびく 【長引く】


Audio Database of Hatoma Lexicon

Results from the 鳩間方言 音声語彙データベース Hatoma hōgen onsei goi dētabēsu (The Audio Database of Hatoma Lexicon), by Shinichi Kajiku and Natsuko Nakagawa, © CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED

Search languages: Yaeyama (Hatoma) ↔ Japanese

ナカビ [na⸢ka⸣bi] (名)

  • なかぞら(中空)。中天。「中辺」の義という『石垣方言辞典』。
  • Example phrases
    • ⸢ティンヌ⸣ ナ⸢カ⸣ベーラ トゥ⸢ルヌ⸣ トゥ⸢ビ⸣ パルン
      [⸢tinnu⸣ na⸢ka⸣beːra tu⸢runu⸣ tu⸢bi⸣ paruŋ]

Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary (JMDict)

Results from the Japanese-Multilingual Electronic Dictionary project (JMdict), created by Jim Breen, © Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group.

Search languages: Japanese ↔ English



  1. Middle day (e.g sumo tournament, run of theatrical performances, etc.)



  1. Hollow; Concave



  1. Go-between; Matchmaker


(Ichidan verb, intransitive)

  1. To become rustic; To become countrified



  1. Country dweller

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