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Define ichimaN いちまん Meaning イチマン

Displaying results for ichimaN (ichiman・いちまん・イチマン) – ryukyu

JLect: Japonic Languages and Dialects Database

Results from JLect’s Japonic Languages and Dialects Database, created by Zachary Read, © JLect.com.

Search languages: Japonic (all languages and dialects) ↔ English ↔ Japanese

Ryukyu (Kunigami: Nago)


(Proper Noun) Itoman, Itoman City

A dictionary of the Ryukyuan language

Results from the 沖縄語辞典 データ集 Okinawago jiten dēta-shū (Okinawan Language Dictionary Data Collection), published by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, © CC BY 4.0.

Search languages: Okinawan → Japanese

イチマン ichiman (?icimaN) ⓪ 名

  1. 1万。

イチマングヮン ichimangwan (?icimaNgwa]N) ⓪ 名

  1. 銭の1万貫。200円に当たる。ziNの項参照。

ドゥマングィチマングィ dumangwichimangwi (dumaNgwicima]Ngwi) ⓪ 副

  1. うろたえ騒ぐさま。周章狼狽。

A dictionary of the Ryukyuan language

Results from the 沖縄語辞典 データ集 Okinawago jiten dēta-shū (Okinawan Language Dictionary Data Collection), published by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, © CC BY 4.0.

Search languages: Japanese → Okinawan

いちまん 【1万】

いちまんがん 【1万貫】 (銭)

Dictionary of the Practical Use of Okinawan

Results from the うちなーぐち活用辞典テキストデータベース Uchinaaguchi katsuyō jiten tekisuto dētabēsu (Dictionary of the Practical Use of Okinawan), by Shinsho Miyara, © CC BY-ND 3.0 DEED.

Search languages: Japanese ↔ Okinawan


  • 糸満
  • Example phrases
    • いちまん うぃなごー ゆー はたらちゃー やてぃ うぃきが まさいんでぃ いらっとーる。

Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary (JMDict)

Results from the Japanese-Multilingual Electronic Dictionary project (JMdict), created by Jim Breen, © Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group.

Search languages: Japanese ↔ English



  1. 10,000; Ten thousand



  1. 10,000 yen



  1. 10,000 yen