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Define hachika はちか Meaning ハチカ

Displaying results for hachika (hachika・はちか・ハチカ) – ryukyu

JLect: Japonic Languages and Dialects Database

Results from JLect’s Japonic Languages and Dialects Database, created by Zachary Read, © JLect.com.

Search languages: Japonic (all languages and dialects) ↔ English ↔ Japanese

Ryukyu (Okinawa)


(Noun) The twentieth (day of the month); twenty days

Ryukyu (Okinawa)


(Adverb) Eight times

A dictionary of the Ryukyuan language

Results from the 沖縄語辞典 データ集 Okinawago jiten dēta-shū (Okinawan Language Dictionary Data Collection), published by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, © CC BY 4.0.

Search languages: Okinawan → Japanese

ハチカ hachika (haCika) ① 名

  1. はつか。二十日一日の二十倍。また,月の第二十番目の日。

ハチカユ hachikayu (haCikaju) ① 名

  1. 旧暦二十日の夜。月の出が遅いため,宵闇の形容となる。~nukurasa,?ikusaciN miraN.[廿日夜の暗さ行先も見らぬ(執心鐘入)]二十日の夜の暗さで,行く先も見えない。

ハチカショーグヮチ hachikashoogwachi (haCikasjoogwaCi) ⓪ 名

  1. 二十日正月。旧暦の正月二十日。この日を正月の最後の祝日として,簡単なごちそうを作り,一日を遊び暮らした。またこの日にZuri?Nma[尾類馬](その項参照)の行事が行なわれた。

A dictionary of the Ryukyuan language

Results from the 沖縄語辞典 データ集 Okinawago jiten dēta-shū (Okinawan Language Dictionary Data Collection), published by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, © CC BY 4.0.

Search languages: Japanese → Okinawan

はちかい 【8回】

はちがつ 【8月】

Dictionary of the Practical Use of Okinawan

Results from the うちなーぐち活用辞典テキストデータベース Uchinaaguchi katsuyō jiten tekisuto dētabēsu (Dictionary of the Practical Use of Okinawan), by Shinsho Miyara, © CC BY-ND 3.0 DEED.

Search languages: Japanese ↔ Okinawan

はちか そーぐゎち

  • 沖縄の正月の最終日
  • Example phrases
    • はちかそーぐゎちねー じゅりっんまぬ あん。

Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary (JMDict)

Results from the Japanese-Multilingual Electronic Dictionary project (JMdict), created by Jim Breen, © Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group.

Search languages: Japanese-English, English-Japanese



  1. The eight precepts (in addition to the five precepts, prohibitions against: lying in a luxurious bed; self-decoration, song & dance; and eating after noon)


(Pre-noun adjectival)

  1. Octennial



  1. Knowledge is power



  1. Persevering through something difficult makes one stronger; Whatever doesn't kill us only makes us stronger; Slow but steady wins the race

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