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Define dakudaku だくだく Meaning ダクダク

Displaying results for dakudaku (dakudaku・だくだく・ダクダク) – ryukyu

A dictionary of the Ryukyuan language

Results from the 沖縄語辞典 データ集 Okinawago jiten dēta-shū (Okinawan Language Dictionary Data Collection), published by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, © CC BY 4.0.

Search languages: Okinawan → Japanese

ダクダク dakudaku (dakudaku) ① 副

  1. 心臓が鼓動するさま。どきどき。'Nni~.胸がどきどき。

ンニダクダク nnidakudaku ('Nnidakudaku) ⓪ 副

  1. 胸がどきどきするさま。~sjuN.

チムダクダク chimudakudaku (cimudakudaku) ⓪ 副

  1. 胸さわぎするさま。胸がどきどきするさま。

A dictionary of the Ryukyuan language

Results from the 沖縄語辞典 データ集 Okinawago jiten dēta-shū (Okinawan Language Dictionary Data Collection), published by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, © CC BY 4.0.

Search languages: Japanese → Okinawan


See also

Dictionary of the Practical Use of Okinawan

Results from the うちなーぐち活用辞典テキストデータベース Uchinaaguchi katsuyō jiten tekisuto dētabēsu (Dictionary of the Practical Use of Okinawan), by Shinsho Miyara, © CC BY-ND 3.0 DEED.

Search languages: Japanese ↔ Okinawan

ちむ だくだくー すん (〜さん、〜さん、〜っし)

  • 胸をときめかす
  • Example phrases
    • むとぅびれーとぅ あちゃー いちゃらりーくとぅ ちむ だくだくーっし にんだらんたん。
    • はーえーすーぶに スタートラインかい たちーねー いちん ちむ だくだくー すたん。

*(参考)「んに だくみかすん」とも言う

Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary (JMDict)

Results from the Japanese-Multilingual Electronic Dictionary project (JMdict), created by Jim Breen, © Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group.

Search languages: Japanese ↔ English



  1. Obediently; Yes, yes!



  1. Gushing out (e.g. sweat or blood); Flowing profusely
    Onomatopoeic or mimetic word

  1. Thump-thump; Bang-bang; Pit-a-pat; Pitapat; Pitter-patter
    Onomatopoeic or mimetic word

  1. Sound of hoofbeats
    Onomatopoeic or mimetic word



  1. Quite willingly; Readily; With acquiescence



  1. Readily; Willingly

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