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Define よむ yomu Meaning ヨム

Displaying results for よむ (yomu・よむ・ヨム) – ryukyu

JLect: Japonic Languages and Dialects Database

Results from JLect’s Japonic Languages and Dialects Database, created by Zachary Read, © JLect.com.

Search languages: Japonic (all languages and dialects) ↔ English ↔ Japanese

Ryukyu (Okinawa)


(Verb) To read

A dictionary of the Ryukyuan language

Results from the 沖縄語辞典 データ集 Okinawago jiten dēta-shū (Okinawan Language Dictionary Data Collection), published by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, © CC BY 4.0.

Search languages: Japanese → Okinawan

よむ 【読む・詠む】

See also

Audio Database of Hatoma Lexicon

Results from the 鳩間方言 音声語彙データベース Hatoma hōgen onsei goi dētabēsu (The Audio Database of Hatoma Lexicon), by Shinichi Kajiku and Natsuko Nakagawa, © CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED

Search languages: Yaeyama (Hatoma) ↔ Japanese

スームン [⸢suː⸣muŋ] (他動)

  • {Mn_1}強める。強化する。⸢スーミ⸣ルン[⸢suːmi⸣ruŋ](強める)ともいう。「つよむ<下二段活用>」の四段活用化したもの。
  • Example phrases
    • ⸣ニジ ⸢スー⸣ムンティ ⸢スンドゥ スーマラ⸣ヌ
      [⸣niʤi ⸢suː⸣munti ⸢sundu suːmara⸣nu]
    • ⸣ニジ ⸢スーミ⸣ プサカー ⸢マー⸣ビン ⸢スー⸣ミバ
      [⸣niʤi ⸢suːmi⸣ pu̥sakaː ⸢maː⸣bin ⸢suː⸣miba]
    • ⸢マー⸣ビン ⸢スー⸣メー ⸣ミサムヌ
      [⸢maː⸣bin ⸢suː⸣meː ⸣misamunu]
    • シゥ⸢カンギ⸣ イ⸢リティ⸣ ヤー ⸢スーミ⸣リ
      [sï̥⸢kaŋgi⸣ ʔi⸢riti⸣ jaː ⸢suː⸣miba]

トゥユマリルン [tu⸢jumari⸣ruŋ] (自動)

  • とよむ(響動む)。世に鳴り響く。轟かせる。有名になる。
  • Example phrases
    • ウ⸢キ⸣ナー ⸢バー⸣キン ⸢ナー⸣ トゥ⸢ユマリ⸣ルン
      [ʔu⸢ki⸣naː ⸢baː⸣kin ⸢naː⸣ tu⸢jumari⸣ruŋ]
    • トゥ⸢ユマラ⸣ヌ
    • トゥ⸢ユマ⸣リ ッ⸢ふォーリ
      [tu⸢juma⸣ri f⸢foːri]
    • トゥ⸢ユマ⸣ル ⸣クトー ⸢ナー⸣ヌ
      [tu⸢juma⸣ru ⸣ku̥toː ⸢naː⸣nu]
    • トゥ⸢ユマ⸣レー ⸣ミサムヌ
      [tu⸢juma⸣reː ⸣misamunu]
    • ウ⸢キ⸣ナー ⸢バー⸣キン トゥ⸢ユマ⸣リ
      [ʔu⸢ki⸣naː ⸢baː⸣kin tu⸢juma⸣ri]

ヤードゥル [⸢jaː⸣duru] (名)

  • 鶏。「家鳥」の義。「~雉はおよむ家鳥<イヘツトリ>~。万、3310」の転訛したもの。転じて家の中に引き籠もっている子供。
  • Example phrases
    • ナー⸢イ ヤー⸣ドゥル ⸣ナリ ブ⸢ラーンドー⸣シ ⸢ヤー⸣ヌ ⸣フカーン ⸣ンジ ドゥ⸢シンケー⸣トゥン ア⸢サビ⸣バ
      [naː⸢i jaː⸣duru ⸣nari bu⸢raːndoː⸣ʃi ⸢jaː⸣nu ⸣ɸu̥kaːn ⸣nʤi du⸢ʃiŋkeː⸣tuŋ ʔa⸢sabi⸣ba]

Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary (JMDict)

Results from the Japanese-Multilingual Electronic Dictionary project (JMdict), created by Jim Breen, © Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group.

Search languages: Japanese ↔ English


(Common Godan verb, transitive)

  1. To compose (e.g. a Japanese poem); To write

  1. To recite (e.g. a poem); To chant


(Common Godan verb, transitive)

  1. To read

  1. To count

  1. To guess; To predict; To read (someone's thoughts); To see (e.g. into someone's heart); To divine


(Godan verb, transitive)

  1. To pronounce kanji (using the native Japanese reading)


(Godan verb)

  1. To make up a haiku poem



  1. To manipulate figures to one's advantage; To count wrongly on purpose; To inflate or deflate one's age



  1. To read kanji in the on reading



  1. Recite from memory


(Godan verb, transitive)

  1. To read avidly


(Godan verb)

  1. To reread; To read again



  1. To read the situation; To sense the mood



  1. To lead (a man) around by the nose



  1. To read between the lines



  1. To read a person's thoughts; To guess what a person is thinking



  1. You learn, without realising it, from what is around you; A young monk outside the gate can read sutras he has never studied
    Idiomatic expression

JLect: Japonic Languages and Dialects Database

Possible results from JLect’s Japonic Languages and Dialects Database, created by Zachary Read, © JLect.com.

Search languages: Japonic (all languages and dialects) ↔ English ↔ Japanese

Ryukyu (Amami)


(Noun) Amami language, Amami dialect, Island language, Island speech