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Define はねる haneru Meaning ハネル

Displaying results for はねる (haneru・はねる・ハネル) – ryukyu

JLect: Japonic Languages and Dialects Database

Results from JLect’s Japonic Languages and Dialects Database, created by Zachary Read, © JLect.com.

Search languages: Japonic (all languages and dialects) ↔ English ↔ Japanese

Ryukyu (Okinawa)


(Verb) To jump

Ryukyu (Okinawa)


(Verb) To jump

Ryukyu (Okinawa)


(Verb) To jump

A dictionary of the Ryukyuan language

Results from the 沖縄語辞典 データ集 Okinawago jiten dēta-shū (Okinawan Language Dictionary Data Collection), published by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, © CC BY 4.0.

Search languages: Japanese → Okinawan

はねる 【跳ねる】

See also


たばねる 【束ねる】

See also


おしたばねる 【押し束ねる】

Audio Database of Hatoma Lexicon

Results from the 鳩間方言 音声語彙データベース Hatoma hōgen onsei goi dētabēsu (The Audio Database of Hatoma Lexicon), by Shinichi Kajiku and Natsuko Nakagawa, © CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED

Search languages: Yaeyama (Hatoma) ↔ Japanese

ミジヌクー [mi⸢ʤinu⸣kuː] (名)

  • 水のこ。「水の粉」の転訛したものか。お盆の供物の一つ。砂糖黍の茎、茄子を賽の目に小さく刻んで、米と小豆、昆布の刻んだものを加えて、7回水洗いをしたもの。皿に入れ、⸣マヤーブー[⸣majaːbuː](和名、メドハギ<蓍萩>)の枝を添えて仏壇に供える。一日三食を仏壇に供える際に、マヤーブーでミジヌクーを家の外へ三度掻きはねる。無縁仏達へのお布施といわれている。それをしないと、先祖に供えた供物に無縁仏が手を突っ込んだり、悪事を働くと信じられている。
  • Example phrases
    • トゥ⸢クニ⸣ナー ⸢ミーキヌ⸣ イー ス⸢ク⸣ ピン ミ⸢ジヌ⸣クー ⸢パン⸣キティ ア⸢ゾーッ⸣タ
      [tu̥⸢kuni⸣naː ⸢miːkinu⸣ ʔiː su̥⸢ku⸣ pim mi⸢ʤinu⸣kuː ⸢paŋ⸣kiti ʔa⸢ʣoːt⸣ta]
      (仏壇に三食のご飯を供えるとき、ミジヌクーを外へ uby{掻}{カキ}き uby{撥}{ハ}ねよ、といわれた)

Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary (JMDict)

Results from the Japanese-Multilingual Electronic Dictionary project (JMdict), created by Jim Breen, © Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group.

Search languages: Japanese ↔ English


(Common Ichidan verb, intransitive)

  1. To jump; To leap; To prance; To spring up; To bound; To hop

  1. To break up; To close; To come to an end

  1. To hit (e.g. to have a car hit something or someone)


(Common Ichidan verb, transitive)

  1. To hit (e.g. to have a car hit someone); To run into
    Word usually written using kana alone

  1. To reject; To deny; To refuse
    Word usually written using kana alone

  1. To eliminate; To exclude; To leave out
    Word usually written using kana alone

  1. To flip; To splash; To splatter
    Word usually written using kana alone

  1. To decapitate; To behead
    Word usually written using kana alone

  1. To jump up
    Word usually written using kana alone

  1. To point or curl up (e.g. ends of hair)
    Word usually written using kana alone


(Ichidan verb, intransitive)

  1. To jump up and down; To hop



  1. To get a rakeoff; To get a kickback; To take a kickback
    Word usually written using kana alone



  1. To take a commission; To take a cut; To take a piece of the action; To take a kickback

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  • る (る) — Possible word or expression preceded by the topic particle は ha